Recent Scam Reports
Feb. 6, 2025
An NGEMC member recently received a visit from a tree trimming crew claiming to work with NGEMC. They said they would trim the area around her transformer for $1,800, then after the work was complete tried to say the work cost more than estimated and asked the member for $18,000. PLEASE NOTE: legitimate NGEMC crews and contractors will not solicit money from you. All trimming performed by NGEMC is part of our work plan and is not charged to individual members.
It's important to ask for multiple quotes on any project at your home or location. If anyone approaches you at home demanding money, close and lock your door and contact the authorities.
January 16, 2025
NGEMC received a report of a scam call in which the scammer asked a recipient to provide bank account information and mentioned that a credit would appear on the recipient's account.
Please remain vigilant and remind your friends and family to NEVER give their personal or payment information to an unsolicited caller. If you feel threatened or rushed by a caller, hang up immediately. To confirm your account status, always call NGEMC at one of our published phone numbers.
November 5, 2024
NGEMC has received reports of an attempted scam in which one of our email addresses used for sending e-bills is being spoofed. The scam message asks the recipient to "re-enter" their Apple ID password. Please note that NGEMC will NEVER ask you for your Apple ID or password.
September 11, 2024
NGEMC has been made aware of an ongoing email scam in which an email address for one of our automated notification services has been spoofed and used to send a prompt to log in to another utility in order to "avoid disconnection." This is a common method used by bad actors to steal log-in credentials. It is best to never click links or open attachments in unexpected emails, especially threatening ones.
When logging in to an online account, whether it's your utility account, financial institution, social media, or any other account protected by a password, it is always best to go directly to that institution's official website on your internet browser. Avoid clicking links in emails to sign in to accounts.
June 26, 2024
NGEMC has received a report of a scam call in which the caller claimed to be from a power company and mentioned that a $50 credit would appear on the member's account if the member would give banking information over the phone.
Please remain vigilant and remind your friends and family to NEVER give their personal or payment information to an unsolicited caller. If you feel threatened or rushed by a caller, hang up immediately. To confirm your account status, always call NGEMC at one of our published phone numbers.
May 16, 2024
NGEMC has received several reports of scam calls in our area. Scammers claim to be from NGEMC and threaten to disconnect for nonpayment.
Please remember that scammers rely on fear to get you to make hasty decisions. NGEMC will NEVER call you demanding payment. If you believe anything is off or wrong about a call, HANG UP IMMEDIATELY and call your utility back at a published phone number.
March 7, 2024
Utilities United Against Scams has issued a warning about new, advanced digital tactics scammers are using to build replicas of utility payment websites, aimed at stealing payment information and log in credentials.
Ongoing Scam
NGEMC continues to receive periodic reports of a caller claiming to be with the utility and threatening to disconnect power unless the call recipient pays them within 30 minutes. The call comes from various 800 numbers that cannot be traced to a legitimate business. Please exercise great caution if you receive a similar call. NEVER give out your personal information to these callers. When you have doubts or feel threatened by a call, always hang up and call NGEMC at one of our published phone numbers.
January 12, 2024
NGEMC just received word of an imposter in the Calhoun area going door-to-door claiming to be an NGEMC employee. This individual told the member that they had high usage and claimed to be able to put the member on an NGEMC program. The scammer had a portable card reader with them. Please note that NGEMC crew leaders, line workers, or other employees WILL NOT go door-to-door asking for payment or ask to enter your home during an unscheduled visit.
If you are concerned about the validity of a visitor to your home, close and lock your door immediately. You can verify the identity of anyone claiming to be from NGEMC by calling one of our published phone numbers. If you feel your safety is at risk, you should contact the authorities immediately.
September 19, 2023
An NGEMC member has reported receiving a text from an unknown number stating they owed a certain amount of money. The text included a link to pay to avoid disconnection. Legitimate text messages from NGEMC do not include links. Please NEVER click on a link in a text message you do not expect or from unknown senders. If you have a question about your account we recommend calling NGEMC directly at one of our published phone numbers.
August 24, 2023
NGEMC has received several reports of scam callers active in our area. In some cases, the scammers have provided a disconnect code or work order number to the member in an attempt to make the call seem legitimate. Scammers have demanded that members pay immediately to avoid disconnection.
Please remember that scammers rely on fear to get you to make hasty decisions. NGEMC will NEVER call you demanding payment. If you believe anything is off or wrong about a call, HANG UP IMMEDIATELY and call your utility back at a published phone number.
June 6, 2023
An NGEMC member has reported a new active scam. An unsolicited caller demanded money and sent the member a barcode to take to a third-party store and scan to pay and phony charge. The caller had used a program to make the caller ID display NGEMC’s name and phone number.
It is important to note that the barcode looked similar and used the same retailers as the barcodes issued as a part of NGEMC’s Checkout program. However, NGEMC will never call you asking for payment or send you a barcode to use to pay a bill. Remember, if you don’t make the call, don’t give your personal information away, even if your caller ID says the call is coming from NGEMC or another utility.
Members who prefer to use the Checkout option to pay their bill at local retailers may continue to do so securely by only using the barcode printed on the back of their NGEMC bill or by visiting the Checkout website directly to download the barcode to their phone.
Junio 6, 2023
Un miembro de NGEMC ha reportado una nueva estafa activa. Una persona que llamó no solicitada exigió dinero y envió al miembro un código de barras para llevar a una tienda de terceros y escanear para pagar un cargo falso. La persona que llamó había utilizado un programa para hacer que el identificador de llamadas mostrara el nombre y el número de teléfono de NGEMC.
Es importante tener en cuenta que el código de barras se veía similar y utilizaba los mismos minoristas que los códigos de barras emitidos como parte del programa Checkout de NGEMC. Sin embargo, NGEMC nunca lo llamará para pedirle un pago ni le enviará un código de barras para usar para pagar una factura. Recuerde, si no realiza la llamada, no revele su información personal, incluso si su identificador de llamadas dice que la llamada proviene de NGEMC u otra empresa de servicios públicos.
Los miembros que prefieran usar la opción Checkout para pagar su factura en tiendas locales pueden continuar haciéndolo de manera segura usando solo el código de barras impreso en el reverso de su factura de NGEMC o visitando el sitio web de Checkout directamente para descargar el código de barras a su teléfono.
December 15, 2022
NGEMC has received word of a two imposters in the Dalton area going door-to-door and claiming to be NGEMC employees. These particular men were last seen driving a white Toyota 4-Runner. Please note that NGEMC Crew Leaders, Line Workers, or other employees will not ask to enter your home for any reason.
If you are concerned about the validity of any visitor to your home, close and lock your door immediately. You can verify the identity of anyone claiming to be from NGEMC by calling one of our published phone numbers. If you feel your safety is at risk, you should contact the authorities immediately.
May 1, 2020
An NGEMC member reported receiving a call from someone impersonating a utility worker saying their account was past due. They were given an 800 number to call in order to speak to a “billing manager.” When they called the number left by the scammer, they were told to pay $600 to hold the account, and they would receive a refund in 1 to 2 business days.
The number the scammer instructed the member to call was 877|504|3166. Please NEVER use a phone number left by a caller, especially one demanding money. If you have questions about your account, call NGEMC directly at one of our published phone numbers.
As of the date of this report, NGEMC has suspended disconnections for non-payment and late fees on all accounts until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will not contact you asking for payment to hold your account during this time. If you do have a past-due balance, please give us a call or send us an email to discuss your payment options.
April 8, 2020
On April 8, 2020, NGEMC received a report of a scam from a member near the Cinderella Hills neighborhood in Fort Oglethorpe, GA. A man pretending to be a utility employee knocked on the member’s door and demanded cash and threatened to cut off the member’s power.
Please note that NGEMC WILL NOT send any employee or contractor to your home to collect money on a past due bill. Additionally, we have suspended disconnections and late fees until further notice due to the COVID-19 epidemic.
If you ever receive a visit from anyone demanding money and claiming to be from NGEMC, PLEASE close and lock your door, and contact your local authorities. Once you have reported this activity to the police, you can call NGEMC at one of our published numbers in order review your account and report the scam.
Please also be vigilant when you do receive a call from anyone demanding payment or threatening you with disconnection. NGEMC has received several reports of scammers at work in our area over the last several weeks.
February 28, 2020
A member reported a call from an Atlanta number in which the caller demanded immediate payment and threatened the member with disconnection within 30 minutes. Please NEVER give your personal information to an unsolicited or threatening caller. If you have questions about your account balance hang up and call NGEMC directly at one of our published phone numbers.
February 25, 2020
A member has reported a call from a phone number in Forsyth, GA threatening to disconnect power for non-payment. Please remember to NEVER give your personal information to a caller who demands payment from you in a threatening manner. If you have questions about your account balance, call NGEMC directly at one of our published numbers.
January 16, 2020
A member recently received a call stating that they would be disconnected for non-payment and solicited further information about his previous bills.
If you are being threatened by a caller pushing you to make a payment, remember that you can always hang up the phone and call NGEMC directly at one of our published numbers.
Several members have also reported that a caller demanded they go to a store such as CVS to load a pre-paid card with money and call them back at an unfamiliar number. NGEMC will never demand that you purchase a prepaid card in order to pay your bill
Alerta de estafas
Un cliente recibió una llamada en la cual le informaron que su cuenta seria desconectada por falta de pago y le pedían más información sobre su factura.
Si usted recibe una llamada pidiéndole que haga un pago a su cuenta, recuerde que puede desconectar la llamada y llamar directamente a su compañía de electricidad NGEMC para verificar su cuenta.
Varios miembros tambien an reportado que han recibido llamadas demandando que vayan a CVS para conseguir una tarjeta prepagada con dinero y que los contacten a un numero diferente. NGEMC nunca demandara que usted necesite conseguir una tarjeta prepagada para hacer pago de su cuenta.
December 27, 2019
An NGEMC member was left a message stating that their power would be disconnected within 30 minutes if they did not return the call and make a payment. The caller’s number was 866|236|0507.
Please remember that NGEMC DOES NOT have an 800 number. If you receive a call from anyone threatening you with disconnection, hang up immediately and call your utility at one of their published phone numbers.
November 5, 2019
An NGEMC member has reported receiving a series of calls from a scammer who stated that the member would be disconnected in the next three hours if they did not make a payment. The scammer spoofed the member’s own phone number in the caller ID window.
If you have questions about your account, or if you receive a call demanding payment at the risk of disconnection, please hang up the phone and call NGEMC directly at one of our published phone numbers.
October 23, 2019
NGEMC has received a report of a scam caller threatening to disconnect an NGEMC member if they did not call a secondary number within 30 minutes to make a payment. The initial call displayed an 888 number used by Georgia Power. Caller ID numbers displayed by your phone can easily be spoofed by scammers.
The scammer left a number to call in order to make a payment: 877|611|5971. This number has been used in connection with multiple utility scams in the past. Please remember that you should never dial a number given by a caller who is soliciting money. ONLY contact your utility at numbers published on their official website or in another reputable directory. NGEMC does not have a toll free line or an 877 number.
September 25, 2019
A member in the Gordon County area reports a scam call threatening disconnection in 30 minutes if he did not pay $300. The scammer also said he was two months behind. Do not hesitate to hang up on any unsolicited caller that threatens you with disconnection and reach out to NGEMC directly to confirm your account status. Please remember to only contact NGEMC at one of our published numbers and never use a number left to you by a caller demanding payment.
September 20, 2019
A business customer in Catoosa County received a call stating they had 40 minutes to go the Dollar General and get two money packs, one for $500 and the other for $498.24 or they would be disconnected by a click of the button.
A residential member also received a call from a scammer claiming to be from a local utility collecting an unpaid bill.
NGEMC never calls to collect payment or to threaten disconnect for nonpayment. Payments are only collected through secure payment options as listed on this website. If you have a question regarding a call made to you in the name of NGEMC, please contact us using our published numbers.
July 30, 2019
A member has reported receiving a series of scam calls and a fake past-due notice stating they were 3 bills behind. The member provided check stubs to the callers in order to prove that the payments had been made. The callers continued to contact the member, providing a ticket number and stating they were researching the payments before telling the member they would need to drive to Atlanta to resolve the issue.
Over the course of events, the member reported receiving calls from both 800|421|5357 and 800|672|2402, which was a spoof caller ID using the number for Georgia Power’s Bill Matrix payment service.
NEVER provide information to an unsolicited caller demanding payment. Do not hesitate to hang up the phone in any situation where someone insists that you must make a payment and always call NGEMC back at one of our published phone numbers.
If you have been persuaded to share personal or banking information with a scam caller, please contact your financial institution and consider filing a report with the authorities.
July 26, 2019
Multiple NGEMC members have reported receiving threatening calls from scammers claiming to be from NGEMC today.
A caller instructed one member to load a prepaid gift/debit card at Walgreens and call back at a number provided by the caller. Please note that NGEMC WILL NOT ask you to load a prepaid gift or debit card, nor do we accept pre-loaded debit cards.
One member received an unsolicited call from 800|662|2402. The caller demanded payment and threatened disconnection. Please note that NGEMC does not have an 800 phone number. Never hesitate to end an unsolicited call from anyone demanding payment. Always use NGEMC’s published phone numbers.
On August 1, 2019, members reported receiving similar calls from 800|576|0517 and 877|405|6508.
July 25, 2019
An NGEMC member has reported receiving a call threatening to disconnect their power in 45 minutes if they did not provide a payment of $490. The caller had the wrong address at first, and asked the member to correct the address before stating that the member needed to make the payment, and that they would not owe anything for the next two months and would be refunded if they had overpaid.
The caller instructed the member to call them at 800|715|8860 and started to give them directions to a physical location to make a payment. North Georgia EMC DOES NOT have an 800 number, all contact and office location information for NGEMC is listed on our website.
The phone number provided by the caller has been linked to Crane Global Energy Co. located in Newport Beach, CA. This defunct company’s Exchange Act registration was revoked by the SEC on April 18, 2019.
Please remember to never offer your personal information to an unsolicited caller. Do not trust numbers or addresses left to you by an unsolicited caller. Never hesitate to end such a call abruptly and contact NGEMC at one of our published numbers.
July 19, 2019
An NGEMC member received a call stating her power would be disconnected in 30 minutes if she did not make a payment. Please remember to only contact NGEMC at one of our published numbers and never use a number left to you by a caller demanding payment. Do not hesitate to hang up on any unsolicited caller that threatens you with disconnection and reach out to NGEMC directly to confirm your account status.
May 28, 2019
An NGEMC member was contacted on Tuesday afternoon from a caller at 1|800|306|6370. The caller attempted to tell the member that their account was past-due. When the member stated that the account was set up for automatic withdraw, the caller attempted to convince the member that the automatic payment settings for their bill had expired.
Please note that NGEMC does not have a 1-800 number. Automatic arrangements for paying your bill, such as Bank Draft, do not expire and are initiated and canceled at the member’s request. If you have a question about your account, please do not hesitate to call NGEMC at one of our published phone numbers. Never call back at a number left by an unsolicited caller, especially one demanding payment.
May 20, 2019
An NGEMC member has reported that they received a call from 888|665|2205 stating their power would be disconnected in thirty minutes if a payment was not made. They were given a work order number and a call-back number.
NGEMC does not have an 888 number. Please remember to always contact NGEMC directly at a published phone number. NEVER call back at a number left by an unsolicited caller, especially one who is threatening disconnection if you do not act quickly.
Update: a member received a similar call on May 21, 2019. The associated phone number was 866|508|7297.
May 8, 2019
Several NGEMC members have reported that they received a call from 800|624|6980 stating their power would be disconnected in thirty minutes if a payment was not made. One member reported that the Caller ID displayed “Georgia Power Board.”
Please remember that scammers sometimes use spoof caller ID names and voice recordings in an effort to make themselves seem more credible. Never call back at a number left during a call such as this, always use phone numbers published on the utility's website or in the phonebook.
NGEMC does not have an 800 number.
May 7, 2019
The FCC has warned the public against “robo-calls” from unknown numbers. The caller rings twice and hangs up in order to have you give them an expensive call back, a call for which you are charged by the minute. Learn more on www.FCC.gov.
April 5, 2019
An NGEMC member was contacted by someone claiming to be from Georgia Power. Caller demanded payment at risk of disconnections and gave them member a number to call back and make payment (888|320|2522). A representative from Georgia Power has confirmed that this was an illegitimate number and was most likely a scam caller.
Remember to never contact a threatening caller at a number they provide for payment. Only contact your utility provider with their published contact information. North Georgia EMC members can give us a call or leave us a message using the Contact Us page. Georgia Power customers can reach their customer services team by visiting GeorgiaPower.com and selecting “Contact Us.”
March 26, 2019
NGEMC has received a report in which the member was asked to load money onto a prepaid card by a man who called himself Miguel Alvarez. The caller ID displayed NGEMC’s phone number. Please remember that phone numbers displayed on caller ID can be spoofed.
NGEMC will not contact you demanding payment, and we do not accept pre-loaded debit cards. If you receive a call from someone from NGEMC threatening you with disconnection, ALWAYS hang up the phone and call NGEMC directly at one of our listed phone numbers.
NGEMC ha recibido un reporte que requiere el miembro a hacer un pago de dinero vía tarjeta prepagada por una persona identificándose como Miguel Alvarez.La identificación del número de teléfono es igual a la de NGEMC. Por favor recuerde que el número de teléfono identificado puede ser copiado y usado por personas con malas intenciones.
NGEMC no contactara a ninguna persona requiriendo pago y recuerde que NGEMC no toma tarjetas de Debito prepagadas. Si usted recibe una llamada telefónica de el Numero NGEMC amenazando con desconexión de servicios, por favor siempre cuelgue el teléfono y llame a NGEMC directamente usando uno de los números listados de NGEMC.
March 23, 2019
Caller told the member they would be coming to disconnect power in 40 minutes and gave the member an 800 number to call in order to make a payment (800|880|6370). The member called back at the number given and was prompted to give their account number. The member did not comply, but reported that the caller already had their address and phone number.
Please remember the following:
- NEVER attempt to call back at a number left by a threatening or demanding caller, especially one asking for payment or personal information. NGEMC and other utilities should only be contacted at published phone numbers.
- NGEMC does not call members demanding immediate payment.
- NGEMC does not visit member residences to disconnect power.
- NGEMC does not have an 800 number.
- Caller ID's can be spoofed, therefore do not trust the name or number displayed.
March 8, 2019
NGEMC has received a report of a new scam in which a young man, approx. 6’ tall, blond hair, in a white pickup, came to a residence in Rocky Face, GA to collect on a bill. The reported incident occurred around 4:30 pm, March 7, 2019.
Please be advised that NGEMC does not send employees to collect payment. If someone comes to your door demanding payment on behalf of NGEMC, close the door and call the local authorities.
February 26, 2019
NGEMC has received new reports from Catoosa area business owners stating they were contacted via 800|995|8999 and told that someone would be coming to disconnect the power unless payment was received immediately. Calls reported occurred Tuesday afternoon (Feb. 26) from the phone number listed above.
NGEMC does not have an 800 phone number. Please remember that you should never give your personal or payment information to a caller demanding payment or threatening disconnection. If you would like to confirm your account information after you receive such a call, please only call NGEMC or any other utility at a published phone number.
February 19, 2019
NGEMC has received two scam reports today from local business owners. The caller stated the account was up for disconnection. When one member pressed the caller for details about the account, the caller hung up. Another member received a similar call and was able to take down the following number from Caller ID: 678|973|4338. This is NOT a legitimate phone number for NGEMC. Please note that NGEMC does not call individual members to solicit payment.
February 13, 2019
NGEMC has received a report of a caller stating that they work for NGEMC and a past-due bill needed to be paid immediately. The caller gave the following callback number: 800|984|8362 ext. 501.
Please remember that NGEMC does not call individual members to collect payment and does not have a 1-800 phone number. Never give your personal or payment information to an unsolicited caller. Only use published phone numbers when calling companies.
February 7, 2019
NGEMC has received a new report of a scam in which the caller offers the member a 25% discount on their bill if they will pay $100 immediately. NGEMC does not contact members to solicit payment. Remember that any call, email, or other message pushing you to act immediately is likely to be a scam.
January 28, 2019
Reports are coming in of a caller claiming to be a field technician scheduled to disconnect power on site within a certain time frame. The caller left a name, 1-800 phone number, employee number, and a disconnect/work order reference number.
The phone number supplied by the caller played a recording which said, “Thank you for calling North Georgia EMC. Your call may be monitored or recorded for quality assurance. If you know your party’s extension, you may enter it at any time. For customer service, please dial 0.”
Please note this same scam has also been used to target Dalton Utilities customers in the last week.
TVA Phone Scam
A similar scenario to the one listed above is circulating throughout the TVA service territory. In this case, the scammer recorded TVA’s automated directory assistance greeting, asked for an account number, and provided a bill balance with an option to pay using PayPal. (Please note: Neither TVA nor NGEMC accepts PayPal payments.)
November 7, 2018
Beware of a phone scam operating now in our area. The caller says he is with NGEMC and threatens to disconnect electricity if the bill is not paid. The caller gives a false address to go to make payment. NGEMC never calls customers to ask for payment. Credit card transactions by phone can only be initiated by calling one of North Georgia EMC’s published phone numbers.
September 10, 2020
Several NGEMC members have reported receiving a call from someone claiming to be with another utility this morning and demanding payment. Please remember to NEVER give your personal or payment information to an unsolicited caller.
NGEMC does not make calls to collect money from our members. If you receive a call from someone stating you are about to be disconnected for non-payment, please hang up and call NGEMC at one of our published phone numbers to check on your account status.
June-August 12, 2020
Members with an outstanding balance may be contacted by phone, text message, letter, and/or email from North Georgia EMC. If you receive communication related to your account, be sure to use one of our published phone numbers when responding or send us a message.
Our Member Services Specialists will be contacting you directly to set up a deferred payment arrangement. You will not be asked to make a payment during any call initiated by our team, but they will make you aware of your payment options.
At this time, disconnections for non-payment will resume on August 12. Please contact our team as soon as possible to discuss payment options or make a payment.
Please also be vigilant when you do receive a call from anyone demanding payment or threatening you with disconnection. NGEMC has received several reports of scammers at work in our area over the last several weeks.
Recognizing and Responding to Scammers
- NEVER supply a credit card number, account numbers, or other personal information to an unsolicited caller.
- The more threatening the caller the more likely it is that the call is a scam, especially those who threaten you with “immediate disconnection.”
- Do not assume the name and number on your caller ID are legitimate. Caller IDs can be spoofed.
- NGEMC utility workers and contractors DO NOT visit properties to disconnect power. Disconnects and reconnects occur remotely.
- DO NOT CALL BACK a number supplied by an unsolicited caller. Always use only published phone numbers for any utility company.
- Anyone can record an audio greeting and use it for their own purposes.
- NGEMC does not call customers asking for payment.
- NGEMC does not accept Paypal and will not ask you to load money onto any kind of prepaid gift card (i.e. Greendot).
- NGEMC does not have a 1-800 phone number.
The best protection against phone scammers is to verify everything and not jump into action. If you receive a phone call and the caller is asking you to give him/her information or take immediate action of some sort, the best course of action is to hang up. Then call the utility using a published telephone number and notify them of what occurred so they can help warn others.
At the end of the day, the threat of losing money or your personal information to scammers is always more serious and has longer lasting impacts than the inconvenience of having your power temporarily disconnected. Do not be pushed into acting hastily by a caller trying to play on your fears.
Always doubt the authenticity of unsolicited emails you receive from someone claiming to be from NGEMC. Never open attachments of click links included in an email you are not expecting. The below list contains a few rules of thumb that you can follow with every email you receive in order to help keep your personal information safe online.
- Never disclose account, credit card, or other personal information in an unsolicited email.
- Always carefully check the email address the email was sent from.
- Many scammers and hackers can send a convincing email from an address that looks very similar to a legitimate address (ex. and email ending in "@ngaemc.com”).
- Do not click links or open attachments in an email you were not expecting.
- Do not be alarmed into acting quickly.
- Many scammersclaim there will be serious consequences if you do not respond within a very limited time frame (ex. “Your account has been compromised and will be closed if you do not log in at this link in the next 24 hours.”) This tactic is widely used by scammers hoping to collect your account login information (especially from online banking and other financial services) by taking you to a seemingly legitimate “log-in” page linked from the email. They may also direct you to open an attachment you were not expecting (“Please see the attached invoice” for something you never ordered is a popular tactic) in order to download and install malware on your computer.
- Look for obvious misspellings or poor grammar.
- Pay attention to the size and quality of any logos in the email.
- Logos that are extremely large or extremely small, or low quality photos and logos, can indicate that they were copied and pasted to make a scam email appear more legitimate.
- Learn more at staysafeonline.org
If you receive what you believe to be a fraudulent email from NGEMC, please do not hesitate to contact us using one of our published phone numbers or the secure form below.
In the past, NGEMC employees often visited homes of members in order to read the meters. Today, your electric meter communicates with the office directly, eliminating the need for frequent visits to the home to read meters. However, if crews are working in the area and an interruption to your service is possible, an NGEMC employee or contractor may visit your home to inform you of this maintenance.
Employees do not visit homes to disconnect for non-payment or collect payment and do not enter the home of a member without an appointment from Energy Services for a home energy evaluation (these appointments are set by the member, and a name and contact information for the NGEMC Energy Advisor will be provided at the time the appointment is scheduled.)
You can identify NGEMC employees in the following ways:
- NGEMC Employees should ALWAYS be in uniform
- NGEMC Employees should ALWAYS have an ID on hand
- NGEMC Employees should ALWAYS be in a marked vehicle (white vehicle, strobe lights, NGEMC logo)
- NGEMC Employees should NEVER ask to enter your home
Please do not hesitate to contact NGEMC regarding the legitimacy of visitors to your home by contacting us at one of our listed phone numbers.